Academy Of Esthetics & Cosmetology

Educational Objectives/Mission Statement
Our mission is to empower students to improve their lives by enhancing their professional skills in order to obtain better jobs. In support of this mission, the Academy is innovative in its curricula, job-intensive in its focus, and responsive to employer's needs. The training provided at the Academy of Esthetics & Cosmetology prepares graduates to obtain entry-level positions in their chosen field. Graduates leave with the skills necessary to become successful in their careers. Our concern for our students will always have top priority.
Academy Objectives
HIRE qualified educators and student support staff.
DEVELOP courses that reflect the needs of the professional communities served
UPDATE teaching techniques that communicate career theory and skills
UTILIZE appropriate equipment
OFFER programs in career fields with the best employment opportunities
MAINTAIN a close relationship with potential and current employers of graduates
PROVIDE reliable job placement assistance to our graduates
Affirmative Action Statement
The Academy of Esthetics & Cosmetology if firmly committed to providing educational programs to otherwise eligible students regardless of age, race, creed, color, ethnicity, religion, national origin, disability, or medical condition, except under special circumstances that would constitute either an occupational limitation in participation in the program offered.
Job Placement / career Service Department
All graduates have equal access to the Career Services Department. The Academy maintains job placement assistance and will make every effort to supply employment leads to all graduates. The Job Placement Representatives are actively involved in finding job leads for the graduates. The Job Placement personnel fax the graduates' resumes to employers and follow up on interviews and prepare extensive case notes for each of the interviews arranged on a daily basis.
The Academy hosts employer open houses so that employers may visit the Academy. The graduates are informed of upcoming job fairs by the Job Placement Department so that graduates may participate and meet with employers. It is likewise expected that all graduates will fully cooperate with the Career Services Department in the job search activities, and will demonstrate a good faith effort in securing a position in their field of study.
Graduation Requirements
Graduation for all vocational programs of study is accomplished by satisfactory completion of all course requirements, maintaining satisfactory attendance and the required grade point average, and arranging for payment of all financial obligations. Upon graduation, a student will receive a diploma in his/her field of study. Students in all programs should check with their Instructor, Registrar, Financial Planning Department, and the Placement/Career Services Department to be certain that they have satisfied all specific department criteria for graduation.
3015 Colvin St
Alexandria, VA, 22302
(703) 600-7600
This institution is accredited by the an agency recognized by the United States Department of Education for Cosmetology Accreditation. As an accredited institution, qualified students may apply for and receive financial assistance for tuition and other costs.
Statement of Non-Discrimination
The Academy of Esthetics & Cosmetology does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, financial status, age, ethnic origin area or residence in its admissions, instruction, or graduation policies.